Friday, August 26, 2011

Cha 3. Friday, TGIF...

...A beautiful week, my baby learning to swim and my wife has time off work. It feels blessed. So much going on, but the main thrust of my writing, not to make an ongoing diary, but maybe give context to each days input to this work in progress. 
Whilst listening to some old acid house music on a playlist of music videos, it occurs to me that a lot is going on this year. But this year has passed so fast, sunrise to sunset in each 12 hours of day light here. The Caribbean has very roughly, the exact amount of daylight hours to nocturnal hours. The sun rises and sets very constantly, no 'day-light-savings' any where in the Caribbean. We are effectively at peace. 
The constant circadian rhythm gives rest and true peace. It can take some getting used to, if your from the northern hemisphere. There is not much variation from winter to summer. Even the weather is not noticeably different from each day to the next except for the tropical rains and breezes that follow each season, of course the winter months are colder, it does reach down to the 70's in Fahrenheit at night, but the higher end of that scale of course. 
At peace with the atmosphere, it's sunny nearly everyday here. That alone, that simple fact is a reason for joy. Deeply at one with the light of the sun and enjoying it's rays of bright warm love every 24hours is a blessing in itself.
If you have ever lived in a cold place, where snow, ice, rain freeze, appreciation of the warm all year round is something you can never fully comment on or explain to it's depth, it's natural, we humans love to feel that comfort.
My son is growing up in all of this, his daily challenge is to just grow, speak and walk. Since he added the starts of swimming to his list of ever growing skills, I am feeling blessed. 
He will hopefully never know the cold or reaches of chilliness till he wants to go and experience it. There is so much that he can instantly just enjoy here and I hope come to deeply value, that I feel there is much treasure in his education of environment. 
An island of loving, peaceful people is no everyday thing to be found. It having found us, is finding a very appreciative family.

It's Friday, I realise that maybe this book can never completed in it's entirety, there is just soo much information that can be placed into a book, to keep it's content interesting and context current, my past life has so many details that maybe, just maybe, I'll still be writing this in 10 years from now. 
I'll see of course. I must add my growing up has been deeply embedded in religious values. I am now an ex-Jehovah's Witness. I left the religion in early 2005. It took ages to adjust to life without religion. 
That education from my early years growing up in that religion are something that can be taught without all the indoctrination and secularization.
Whilst privately I believe my former religion to be a cult, I got through all of that to be here today. Here, that majic word again, here in paradise.
Getting through being involved deeply in a hugely mind bending theological organisation is no easy feat either, one that I have taken to document in the other 32 blogs I have written previously, which most likely will be included as links in this volume.
Teaching my son to be without religion yet have a deep appreciation of YHWH, who he is and his love for us, will be itself a deep road to travel, a beautiful one no doubt. 
I have arrived at this point to place words into order to capture all that I can and place it in a way that pleases, captures and inspires it's readers also.
I love humour, I love good good funny jokes. I love slapstick humour, I love to be around funny people. Heck, I could probably shoot the breeze with Bill Maher all day. couldn't we all?
We are products of a world driven today by financial goals. Why?
My son is growing up in a culture that will give him deep insight into life lived next to nature. The abundant amount of fruits that grow year round on the local trees. The beach, the sea, diving, sailing. Each of these elements has a deeply spiritual reward. They are based around the elements of free energy, the sun. Of course the large glowing object in the sky gives plants their needed chlorophyll, the sea it's ultra violet, cleaning the visual depth of the water and the atmosphere to generate wind from warm convection's. 

Free energy, will my son grow up into a future of altruistic loving community? I very much hope so. 
Free energy is humans answer. It is no secret that I enjoy the power of natures finest herb, my healing of spirit from post traumatic Watchtower religion 'cultification'(my word, you probably get the meaning). 
The 'Herb', that alone is something I hope is very much decriminalized before my son reaches 19 years of age. 
So much love and inspiration from natural sources that free energy, the words are potent in the extreme. Energy from the sun, to the aetheric static energy in the atmosphere around us, as found by Tesla himself.
We are free, how to be free'er is the quest. I feel very free, at one with 'tings'. One day, I want my son to reflect and truly feel the same.

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