Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cha 2. Thoughts now rolling...

Why write a book at all? What purpose does a book and writing it hold? Maybe I should simply pen the words; 'For my son'. How does a father capture a life times experience of learning, hard knocks and experience distilled into wisdom? 

My son of course may never read my book. However that will not deter me from writing it.

Today's fan purchasing and installation was called off due to a broken network device at my wife's work. There in lays another massive tale, how did Candi and me get together, who is she, if you don't know her already?
Candi my beautiful wife, is from Las Vegas (USA) and a casino expert. She has the work here in St Lucia, whilst I look after Josiah.

That leaves me with a lot of time to ponder the thoughts collecting here. He is soo very full of character already at just one years old. Just yesterday, at the local swimming pool, after months of going, he started swimming. Just like that!
He started swimming. Admittedly it was no Olympic front crawl, mostly because the enormous water wings were constricting his arm movements as was probably the long noodle float, tied around his chest to keep him above water. But he did it, just started swimming yesterday. As a father now, it is amazing to see him develop. Swimming is something I enjoyed my dad teaching me. Being a professional SCUBA instructor has taught me a lot more patience and probably caution than most would get the opportunity to demonstrate. 
I genuinely loved and enjoyed the moment so deeply that I guess the words 'For my son'  take on a clearer meaning. Hence this book and it's beginnings here.
Taking all my life time of learning and experience and putting it somewhere for reflection when he is also a father when he reaches that age. 

Mostly a book captures a persons 'style'. For this book to be readable, I have to pull some very good grammar together. So please feel free to comment and add your observations.
This afternoon is now filled with even more joy as my wife got off work early due to fixing the major fault and resting and reading to Josiah, leaving me free to enjoy some mental outpouring here, even have a smoke and a beer.
Being a house husband is another reason to begin here writing and putting this book together. I've never been a house husband/father before, I of course did not put it down as an ideal career choice in my childhood. Who could have known how amazing it is, but that is precisely why it has be written down how I came to be fabulously rich with abundant love and sweet fortune? Well, if it can be penned I'll ink or leave some text to tell the journey and many of it's unplanned yet stunning outcomes.
Why St Lucia for instance? My life's Caribbean adventure started in St Kitt's one Christmas and new years in 1998/9. At the time I had landed a posh (in Information Technology terms) job with Cisco Systems as a Customer Support Engineer. I was payed well and put my money to exploring something that had called to me as a child. In 1998 my ex-wife and my then in-laws, where going to St Kitt's as this was a once every five year hommage to their home island, from whence they were born. 
In the excitement and preparation for that trip could not match my bewilderment and then amazement at my findings there.
The very first night in St Christopher (St Kitt's), I was to accompany my then cousin in law, Terry, to the nights entertainment. My in-laws thought this would be a hoot for all. It really was. Terry himself is an awe inspiring character. From the first night we got on and bonded. We subsequently had many wild adventures on the party nights out at the local entertainment, to say I learned first hand the love of the Caribbean would not convey anything of the depth of that feeling. 
One-love, Bob Marley sang that. It exists and is real. A community of one. Oh of course the usual surface urban drama exists, but beneath all of that, deep below, there exist bonds that become stronger than any anthropomorphism I can here muster. 
Since living in St Kitt's from 2003 to 2007. I had learned a Caribbean community of love. A bond that exists between all real Caribbean dwellers. I had visited St Lucia in 2003 for a months vacation away from Cisco Systems, after being divorced in 2002. I stayed in St Lucia for a month and instantly fell in love with the natural, easy going, loving atmosphere.
Here now in 2011 and reflecting on that, I am of course more the awed to be living here.
A wonderment though of things occurred prior to boarding the plane at Gatwick airport one cold November morning in 2010 and arriving in this St Lucian 'paradise' island.

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